Seleri similar trunked soft vegetable that is rich with iron, calcium, fosforus, sodium, potasium, carotene, vitaminA, B-complex and C and magnesium. He was identified as originating Apium graveolens dulce umbelliferae of the family. Seleri a bidder in the traditional practice medic to lower high blood pressure. There are several ways to use seleri as ubat high blood pressure. It can be cooked for vegetable soup or serve as a side dish.
Seleri also act expedite drainage and rotation period and the issue keputihan disease. He can also treat skin diseases such as pimple, rash, and ekzema or geligata. Gynecology in the extractive salt seleri act eliminate excessive collection asid in blood, once gus restore nature alkalinnya. The process serves to clean the skin and is very impressive to overcome the problem alergic , including alergic of cat.
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