Peria be found in coastal east Africa to India, Southeast Asia, tropical area in Australia, pasifik.merupakan island renek similar plants found in the usual coastal areas in Malaysia. he's the type of plants that renek with low branches that reach panjang.Panjang rantingnya by up to 20 feet. However, because the nature rantingnya soft and bent down to plant these plants, which remain quite low and only sekitar6 height to 10 feet only.
Oval-shaped leaves and saiznya lebin less 2 to 5 inches long and 1 to 3 inches wide. Leaves easily recognizable because the surface is shining as if there is one layer of plastic that melitupi permukaannya.Bunganya too small and too white kehijauan.Buahnya small capsule-shaped berdiameter approximately i-inch, green when young and old will be brown when matang.Tumbuhan This is the kind of plants that multiply quickly and form a colony that becomes thick and the threat of the other plants.
He contains saponin.Peria beach side dish made by masyarak wilt, besides that he also used for cooking vegetables such as cooked lemak.Ia also said can stabilize blood pressure than helps control diabetes. Apart from the usefulness perubatan he also used as a soap because capacity leaves the foam if diram
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